Friday 14 October 2011

Font Mood board

The font for the digi pack is very important as it needs to keep the tone of the video and song so it cant be too gothic for example but also not too happy and curly. However on sites like 'Da Font' there are many different types of font to chose from, this shows some of the varieties of fonts.

1 comment:

  1. Fin, it appears that between this post and 29 November, you have not posted at all. This isn't right. Please spend time populating your blog with evidence of your research, planning and construction.
    You were also asked to have 4 pages for the 4 evaluation questions; you have one, on technology, and this does not have the framework that I have asked for,
    To date, there is VERY LITTLE on your question 4 page, although a month ago I required you all to write and post as you went. I quote from the page on my class blog:

    Evaluation q. 4 TECHNOLOGY
    How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages? Some of the technologies that you have used: what else have you used?
    'Organize this page now under 4 headings:
