Thursday 1 September 2011

Story Board

Fin Murray
Foals Spanish Sahara

Opening shot panning around the character (Charlie Lindsay) where he is standing in a vast open space walking through long grass then switch to face on shot of character following the walking. The character is dressed in full black suit walking through the long grass lip synching. The panning shot switches to the face on shot at 24 seconds as the lyrics start.
When the lyric like a li-lo loosing air 42 seconds in jump cut to close up of dead character at moment of death which is an arial still shot from above showing a boy lieing on the ground with a white t shirt and a bullet wound with a girl lying over him holding on to him in the past. Then at 50 seconds jump cut back to character 1 with an over the shoulder shot of him walking towards 7 other characters all dressed in full suits in circle the character walks over and joins the circle where there are a pile of Polaroid photos there will be a close up that quickly panns across the photos showing the dead friend with friends and family having a good time in the past of the dead character the charictors burn the photos of the dead one (emotion as if saying a final goodbye to there dead friend) up until 1 minute 25 seconds close ups from different angles of the pained faces mourning then on 2 30 they all bow heads and the dead person replaces the photos on the floor and comes to life.
Everyone is happy and the footage follows travel sped up sequence from out of the window of a car starting when still light through a busy town through then the group of them playing poker and laughing around enjoying hes back then another travel sequence onto a party where they enjoy there night with their resurrected friend.
At 3:20 an overnight shot showing night time into the day sped up into 7 seconds to get to 3:27 where the 8 of them walk back to the original burning of photos site and then dead friend lies back down the shot jump cuts and the place is back to the original burning photos and the song ends with Charlie back to how he appeared at the start walking through the long grass

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