Friday 2 December 2011

Digi Pack Planning

Foals generally go for a surreal tint to their art work using water clearly in their album cover, when doing my album cover I wanted to continue along a similar vein to foals, but take things further than foals generally do. With the thought of surrealism in my mind I went about creating what was to be my front cover of the album i wanted to produce something very eye catching to the viewer that was both real and imaginary at the same time. I started with the image of looking up through a canopy of leaves at a bright blue sky. I then edited it to have a tint of surrealism about it as all the colours I have enhanced to a non realistic state to give an almost retro 1970's look about it, I edited the photo using iphoto and played about with the editing software it provides until I found the right levels to make the photo achieve what i wanted.

I then on photoshop took a font i liked and put that on top of the edited photo with the words, 'Foals' and 'Total Life Forever' over the top showing the band and album name.

I then ended up with with my album cover in completion with a surreal feeling to a natural image.

The themes i presented in my album was important in connecting with my original film treatment as in the treatment as there is a question raised in what is reality, there are dreamlike qualities and the viewer is left with a question of was the dead friend character resurrected to spend one last day with his friends before returning to the grave or was the love so strong and the need to see the dead friend so strong that it was just a dream desperately held onto? so was important to create an image to the viewer that is real but with an unreal quality, a beauty to it but a sense of unreal to the image at the same time.


  1. In what way does this treatment tie in with your video? You must justify the connection: this is really important.

  2. Fin, there is still a lot of work outstanding: you are late with the tasks of creating the four evaluation pages up and with populating the evaluation question 4 page. This is a big job.

    You promised to catch this up by the end of last week.
