Friday 2 December 2011

Inside and Back of Digi pack

When studying other Digi packs i realised that the inside pages were three 12 cm squares in a row, with this in mind i decided i wanted to create three images that somehow linked together. Starting with an image i took of home park which i'd spent time editing to a surreal point much like the front cover i decided to duplicate the photo and have it as the background in each square with something different happening in each square on the same background.

I decided the variant to be changing in each photo would be fittingly the character (Alex Atkinson) who plays the dead body in the video and as there is a theme of resurrection in the video i thought it would again be fitting to have a theme of resurrection in the three images, for this i decided to have the character appearing out of the water, further and further in each shot. To keep the surreal feeling continuing i decided to not just have one person resurrecting but to have the same person duplicated 12 times at different points in the water. I cut out the image on photoshop of the character and then layered it on top of the original image with in the first image just his head visible, then the second his head and chest visible then finally in the third image his whole body above the water and a couple of people appearing to fly towards the sky.

1 comment:

  1. I love the work that you have done.

    However, you need to be crisper and more analytical in your account, rather than descriptive. Treat the desogn as if it were someone else's: analyse the codes and conventions, rather than describe the process.

    I want you to present this in a way that uses new technology more inventively.YuDu, perhaps, so the pages turn at each step?
